Welcome to my website!
Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland
Director of the Research Center "International Development", Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Full Professor of Economics, Kiel University
IZA Fellow
Contact: tobias.heidland@ifw-kiel.de
Media contact: ifw-medien@ifw-kiel.de or by phone +49 431 8814-774
I am Professor of Economics at Kiel University and Director of the Research Center "International Development" at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
I am mainly interested in the interplay of globalization and development. In my research, I focus on two aspects of this relationship: The mobility of people and capital. In each case, I am particularly interested in the effects and perceptions of policies that are used to affect these movements. Regarding migration, I have a broad research agenda with which I aim to contribute to policy-relevant questions related to migration-decision making, the effects of migration, and attitudes toward migration. I think there are great benefits to taking such a holistic approach to migration research for a more thorough understanding of migration and the effects of policy on it. I furthermore conduct research on foreign exchange interventions, i.e., one of the key macroeconomic policies countries can use to affect their terms of trade and important domestic issues such as inflation. Furthermore, I have started working on big economic questions that matter for developing countries, covering megatrends such as demographic change and the changing global geopolitical balance.
Across my different research topics, I work a lot on African countries. For this research, I regularly collect new primary data with traditional household surveys, experiments, and big data methods.
I regularly provide advice to policymakers and expertise in the media, both communicating my research and providing a scientific perspective on political or economic developments in my areas of expertise.
At Kiel University, I currently teach Master's level courses in "International Development" and "Globalization in Developing Countries".
Recent Highlights:
Paper on forecasting asylum seekers published in JEconGeo (August 2024, see Research)
Paper on perspective-taking published in Social Forces (July 2024, see Research)
New working paper on countries' preparations for Foreign Exchange Interventions (June 2024)
Paper on forecasting asylum seeker flows conditionally accepted at the Journal of Economic Geography (June 2024)
I am organizing the Kiel-CEPR African Economic Development Conference (Link) in September 2024. The call for papers is finished but you will be able to join online for some of the sessions
Paper on grain market effects of Russian war in Ukraine (extended policy brief from March 2022) published in African Development Review (March 2024, Link to paper)
Paper on the "Merkel effect" now published in European Journal of Political Research (March 2024, Link to paper)
New working paper on who is ready for foreign exchange intervention (February 2024, Link to paper)
New working paper on foreign aid and migration (October 2023). Link to paper including policy summaries (see Research)
New policy paper on the future of the asylum system (in German) in ifo Schnelldienst (October 2023). Link to paper
Paper on externalization of migration policy now finally in print in EJPR (October 2023) Link to paper
Metastudy on migration attitudes published at JEMS (September 2023) Link to paper
Interviewed by Tagesschau, the main German TV news program (July 2023)
Several R&Rs in econ, pol sci, and sociology journals (May/June 2023)
Finally set up this website (May 2023)